An annual influencer ambassador program for the new restaurant Linopassamilvino
5 min

An annual influencer ambassador program for the new restaurant Linopassamilvino

January 1, 2022
An annual influencer ambassador program for the new restaurant Linopassamilvino
Lino passami il vino
N° Content

An annual influencer ambassador program for the new restaurant Linopassamilvino


Some traditions were born to be carried around the world. So Lino decided to bring the arrosticini that his parents always prepared for their guests in Turin. Building a strong brand awareness from scratch is not easy.

Linopassamilvino decided to create a localized Influencer Marketing strategy. The goal was to increase the brand’s popularity and draw the audience attention not only at the opening, but also in the months following the opening.

His communication agency did not have the time to effectively build an influencer marketing program. They relies on emails and direct messages from Instagram to engage influencers through the exchange: a dinner for some content, but the results are really poor. The task of managing reports, contracts, payments and content approval manually was impossible to scale, especially in view of the opening of multiple stores.

pain point influencer marketing roundabout

CHALLENGE: communicating the friendly atmosphere with the right food influencers

The strategy of Linopassamilvino is to communicate through his brand ambassador Lino (it is him in the logo!) and create a family environment where you always feel "among friends". This is why the agency that deals with the communication of the brand thought of an influencer marketing activity that could tell through a simple and direct storytelling the atmosphere that you breathe from Linopassamilvino.

To speed up this process has decided to use Roundabout tool in 2022 to launch its new shop in Turin.

The main objectives of influencer marketing were: 

  • Build awareness in Turin, in particular in an area of the city where the brand wanted to increase its presence and notoriety
  • Make an effective storytelling to intrigue the audience and make it the protagonist of the new store
  • To promote the local opening, but also keep high attention on the in the following months
  • Check the storytelling of influencers profiles to be sure that the environment was told in an authentic and friendly way
  • Manage in a smart way all the widespread events of influencers
  • In store content production for its PED
influencer marketing campaign goals
how much influencers cost roundabout

With the budget calculator knowing the cost of the campaign was immediate even before starting. By selecting the type of campaign and the number of influencers you want to involve, it will be possible to have a clear and precise idea of the budget to be invested.

how much influencer cost roundabout platform

Through the Roundabout platform it was possible to understand how to customize the campaign so both the number of influencers and the content, to get the best results. Quickly!

This step is fundamental to be able to distribute communication over time, but above all to produce content that can also be used by the same brand. In this way the cost of influencers marketing has been amortized for the creation of content. 


To achieve these goals in a short time Roundabout turned out to be the ideal solution, economical and fast. The tool has reduced by 90% the discovery times of micro and nano influencers, outreaching and control over the process. 

Through the Roundabout tool the strategy devised by the communication agency came to life in just a few clicks because it was able to provide the fast and practical solution for everything you needed. With the Roundabout Platform, the agency was able to quickly find micro influencers qualified in the territory and belonging to the specific niche food to create a credible and functional storytelling.

lino passami il vino ristorante influencer torino food roundabout

The tool has allowed to create a precise campaign brief that influencers have referred to throughout the duration of events, but also to modify it according to occasions such as holidays or events in the local. 

It was not easy to manage all the presence in the store of influencers, but Roundabout allowed the management of the activities in the local of individual influencers through a calendar internal to the platform. In addition, the agency structured the activities according to a strategic evolution tailor-made for Linopassamilvino managing to build a small ambassador program replicable then in other stores.


Roundabout has allowed Linopassamilvino to find authentic content that has brought visibility to the brand and increased its trust. 

lino passami il vino ristorante influencer torino food roundabout

The influencer marketing activity of Linopassamilvino involved 24 influencers generating a ROAS of +350%. The ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) is ROAS therefore indicates the return on each euro invested in advertising.  All content can also be used by the brand itself to share it in business profiles.

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5 min

An annual influencer ambassador program for the new restaurant Linopassamilvino

January 1, 2022
An annual influencer ambassador program for the new restaurant Linopassamilvino
Lino passami il vino
Influencer coinvolti
N° Contenuti

An annual influencer ambassador program for the new restaurant Linopassamilvino


Some traditions were born to be carried around the world. So Lino decided to bring the arrosticini that his parents always prepared for their guests in Turin. Building a strong brand awareness from scratch is not easy.

Linopassamilvino decided to create a localized Influencer Marketing strategy. The goal was to increase the brand’s popularity and draw the audience attention not only at the opening, but also in the months following the opening.

His communication agency did not have the time to effectively build an influencer marketing program. They relies on emails and direct messages from Instagram to engage influencers through the exchange: a dinner for some content, but the results are really poor. The task of managing reports, contracts, payments and content approval manually was impossible to scale, especially in view of the opening of multiple stores.

pain point influencer marketing roundabout

CHALLENGE: communicating the friendly atmosphere with the right food influencers

The strategy of Linopassamilvino is to communicate through his brand ambassador Lino (it is him in the logo!) and create a family environment where you always feel "among friends". This is why the agency that deals with the communication of the brand thought of an influencer marketing activity that could tell through a simple and direct storytelling the atmosphere that you breathe from Linopassamilvino.

To speed up this process has decided to use Roundabout tool in 2022 to launch its new shop in Turin.

The main objectives of influencer marketing were: 

  • Build awareness in Turin, in particular in an area of the city where the brand wanted to increase its presence and notoriety
  • Make an effective storytelling to intrigue the audience and make it the protagonist of the new store
  • To promote the local opening, but also keep high attention on the in the following months
  • Check the storytelling of influencers profiles to be sure that the environment was told in an authentic and friendly way
  • Manage in a smart way all the widespread events of influencers
  • In store content production for its PED
influencer marketing campaign goals
how much influencers cost roundabout

With the budget calculator knowing the cost of the campaign was immediate even before starting. By selecting the type of campaign and the number of influencers you want to involve, it will be possible to have a clear and precise idea of the budget to be invested.

how much influencer cost roundabout platform

Through the Roundabout platform it was possible to understand how to customize the campaign so both the number of influencers and the content, to get the best results. Quickly!

This step is fundamental to be able to distribute communication over time, but above all to produce content that can also be used by the same brand. In this way the cost of influencers marketing has been amortized for the creation of content. 


To achieve these goals in a short time Roundabout turned out to be the ideal solution, economical and fast. The tool has reduced by 90% the discovery times of micro and nano influencers, outreaching and control over the process. 

Through the Roundabout tool the strategy devised by the communication agency came to life in just a few clicks because it was able to provide the fast and practical solution for everything you needed. With the Roundabout Platform, the agency was able to quickly find micro influencers qualified in the territory and belonging to the specific niche food to create a credible and functional storytelling.

lino passami il vino ristorante influencer torino food roundabout

The tool has allowed to create a precise campaign brief that influencers have referred to throughout the duration of events, but also to modify it according to occasions such as holidays or events in the local. 

It was not easy to manage all the presence in the store of influencers, but Roundabout allowed the management of the activities in the local of individual influencers through a calendar internal to the platform. In addition, the agency structured the activities according to a strategic evolution tailor-made for Linopassamilvino managing to build a small ambassador program replicable then in other stores.


Roundabout has allowed Linopassamilvino to find authentic content that has brought visibility to the brand and increased its trust. 

lino passami il vino ristorante influencer torino food roundabout

The influencer marketing activity of Linopassamilvino involved 24 influencers generating a ROAS of +350%. The ROAS (Return on Advertising Spend) is ROAS therefore indicates the return on each euro invested in advertising.  All content can also be used by the brand itself to share it in business profiles.

Inizia ora su Roundabout