Exploding live engagement with offline experiences
5 min

Exploding live engagement with offline experiences

January 1, 2019
Exploding live engagement with offline experiences
N° Content

Exploding live engagement with offline experiences


Poormanger is a restaurant chain in Turin and Milan that ennobles the poor product par excellence, the potato, choosing quality ingredients, selecting raw materials, finding tasty recipes that enhance the diversity of tastes of Italian cuisine.

When they started using Roundabout, Poormanger had a restaurant in Turin and a strong online community. For this reason he decided to use Micro Influencer to communicate the opening of the second restaurant in Turin with a strategy that can activate the community both during and after the new opening.
The strategy worked so well that he decided to replicate it also for the opening of the new restaurant in Milan!

With only 12 influencers in total on the two activities, the Social Media Manager and the Poormanger manager to get +600K Impression and 11k of LIVE interactions in the two days of influencer activity on the two restaurants.

The impact of Micro Influencer Marketing speaks for itself!

poormanger pain point influencer marketing

Local influencers and experience management

Being restaurants, Poormanger needs to intercept influencers who actually reside in specific cities as well as make sure that most of their audience is geographically targeted.
This is to achieve a body in perfect fit with the target audience, both because it needs influencers involved participate in the experiences subject of the promotions.

With Roundabout it was easy! The Poormanger Marketing team used Roundabout not only to find local Micro Influencers, so they actually reside in specific cities, but also could verify that their audience also belonged to the same city!

In addition, he was able to organize and schedule individual experiences thanks to the integrated calendar.

Brief control and storytelling

Poormanger’s intent was not simply to communicate new openings. I needed to create a high engagement experience that could bring results even after the campaign and that conveyed the strong creative character of the brand.

influencer marketing campaign goal
how much influencer cost roundabout

With the budget calculator knowing the cost of the campaign was immediate even before starting. By selecting the type of campaign and the number of influencers you want to involve, it will be possible to have a clear and precise idea of the budget to be invested.

how much influencer cost roundabout

Through the Roundabout platform it was possible to understand how to customize the campaign so both the number of influencers and the content, to get the best results. All in no time! This step is fundamental to be able to distribute communication over time, but above all to produce content that can also be used by the same brand. In this way the cost of influencers marketing has been amortized for the creation of content.


Poormanger developed a custom strategy in which influencers challenge each other to create a new recipe that Poormanger would then put on his menu for a month. The whole challenge takes place ONLINE and IN REAL TIME through the use of a narrative that exclusively uses Instagram Stories and their respective surveys.
Within a morning, influencers will have time to buy ingredients, cook their own recipe from Poormanger and submit it to the audience who will decide the winner.

A very creative idea and a very complex brief to manage and coordinate, especially live. But using the Roundabout tool they were able to coordinate all the details and guidelines of the brief, organizing experiences with influencers.

Thanks to Roundabout, the Poormanger team managed to activate campaigns that brought exactly the expected results. In particular, with Roundabout they managed to:

  • Identify profiles in cities and specific niches
  • Analyze real and updated performance
  • Avoid timely negotiation of fees
  • Avoid contact management, contracting and payments one2one
  • Coordinating the experiences
  • Plan the PED influencer to align it with the Internal PED
  • Collect and analyze the impact obtained
  • Have the original content immediately available for reuse

Live engagement

With Roundabout, Poormanger was able to activate 12 Micro Influencers on two different launches, achieving +600K of Impression and +11K Interactions in just two total days.


Thanks to the use of the Roundabout tool, the marketing team of Poormanger has achieved an excellent economic impact on time optimization, for a total of 200h saved in the planning and execution of campaigns.

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5 min

Exploding live engagement with offline experiences

January 1, 2019
Exploding live engagement with offline experiences
Influencer coinvolti
N° Contenuti

Exploding live engagement with offline experiences


Poormanger is a restaurant chain in Turin and Milan that ennobles the poor product par excellence, the potato, choosing quality ingredients, selecting raw materials, finding tasty recipes that enhance the diversity of tastes of Italian cuisine.

When they started using Roundabout, Poormanger had a restaurant in Turin and a strong online community. For this reason he decided to use Micro Influencer to communicate the opening of the second restaurant in Turin with a strategy that can activate the community both during and after the new opening.
The strategy worked so well that he decided to replicate it also for the opening of the new restaurant in Milan!

With only 12 influencers in total on the two activities, the Social Media Manager and the Poormanger manager to get +600K Impression and 11k of LIVE interactions in the two days of influencer activity on the two restaurants.

The impact of Micro Influencer Marketing speaks for itself!

poormanger pain point influencer marketing

Local influencers and experience management

Being restaurants, Poormanger needs to intercept influencers who actually reside in specific cities as well as make sure that most of their audience is geographically targeted.
This is to achieve a body in perfect fit with the target audience, both because it needs influencers involved participate in the experiences subject of the promotions.

With Roundabout it was easy! The Poormanger Marketing team used Roundabout not only to find local Micro Influencers, so they actually reside in specific cities, but also could verify that their audience also belonged to the same city!

In addition, he was able to organize and schedule individual experiences thanks to the integrated calendar.

Brief control and storytelling

Poormanger’s intent was not simply to communicate new openings. I needed to create a high engagement experience that could bring results even after the campaign and that conveyed the strong creative character of the brand.

influencer marketing campaign goal
how much influencer cost roundabout

With the budget calculator knowing the cost of the campaign was immediate even before starting. By selecting the type of campaign and the number of influencers you want to involve, it will be possible to have a clear and precise idea of the budget to be invested.

how much influencer cost roundabout

Through the Roundabout platform it was possible to understand how to customize the campaign so both the number of influencers and the content, to get the best results. All in no time! This step is fundamental to be able to distribute communication over time, but above all to produce content that can also be used by the same brand. In this way the cost of influencers marketing has been amortized for the creation of content.


Poormanger developed a custom strategy in which influencers challenge each other to create a new recipe that Poormanger would then put on his menu for a month. The whole challenge takes place ONLINE and IN REAL TIME through the use of a narrative that exclusively uses Instagram Stories and their respective surveys.
Within a morning, influencers will have time to buy ingredients, cook their own recipe from Poormanger and submit it to the audience who will decide the winner.

A very creative idea and a very complex brief to manage and coordinate, especially live. But using the Roundabout tool they were able to coordinate all the details and guidelines of the brief, organizing experiences with influencers.

Thanks to Roundabout, the Poormanger team managed to activate campaigns that brought exactly the expected results. In particular, with Roundabout they managed to:

  • Identify profiles in cities and specific niches
  • Analyze real and updated performance
  • Avoid timely negotiation of fees
  • Avoid contact management, contracting and payments one2one
  • Coordinating the experiences
  • Plan the PED influencer to align it with the Internal PED
  • Collect and analyze the impact obtained
  • Have the original content immediately available for reuse

Live engagement

With Roundabout, Poormanger was able to activate 12 Micro Influencers on two different launches, achieving +600K of Impression and +11K Interactions in just two total days.


Thanks to the use of the Roundabout tool, the marketing team of Poormanger has achieved an excellent economic impact on time optimization, for a total of 200h saved in the planning and execution of campaigns.

Inizia ora su Roundabout